Office Hours

When and how you can meet with TAs or the instructors.

Office hours will be held remotely via Zoom. We will use a combination of Zoom and OHQueue as described below:

  1. When an instructor’s office hours begin, they will open the queue on OHQueue.
  2. Students add themselves to the OHQueue, and in the description, specify the zoom room which they’d like the instructor to enter and start a conversation.
  3. When a student reaches the front of the queue, the instructor would go to the zoom room provided by the student and start answering questions.

Important notes

  • In this course, we will ask students to provide a zoom meeting for instructors to join instead of students joining a specific zoom meeting for office hours. Please remember to specify the zoom meeting when adding yourself to the OHQueue.

  • There will be no office hours for the 24 hours before a project deadline, so make sure to start early!

Updates/changes will show up in the calendar below. We will also try to note them in the pinned Piazza post on Office Hours.